How to be a Moonflower by Katie Daisy - review

How to be a Moonflower by Katie Daisy - review


It all began while on the hunt for information and inspirational quotes on moonflowers. I grow them, photograph them, paint them and it is only a mater of time before I make a moonflower jewelry collection! They are very special to me as I was given my first moonflower seed from a dear friend who is no longer with us.

It has been such a treat to learn about how to grow moonflowers from seed.  They are graceful, magical and only come out at night. (Well most of the time. Just today I went outside and this rebel was in full bloom at 1:00 PM on a sunny day! There are always the rule breakers among us...

 Needless to say, I am more than a little obsessed….

Moonflower with Hummingbirdmoth

Photos by Nora Catherine

Painted moon box by Nora Catherine 

OK, you get the picture...

As I searched, I stumbled across the most delightful art/inspirational book. I thought to myself, “What magic lies here?!” I was intrigued to say the least. As I often do, I checked Scribt, (Audio book subscription) and sure enough it was there! As I started flipping through the pages on my phone screen, I quickly discovered that this format would not do! You simply cannot truly appreciate this book in the digital format. Sure, it was available at no extra cost, at a click of a button, but nope, I needed the real thing! Of course Amazon has it and I was about to buy it, but decided to search further to see if I could buy directly from the author/artist. As a fellow artist and creator, it is the least I can do! Sure enough, I found her Etsy site (The Wheatfield) and found she has signed copies available.

Even better! It was a little more money than Amazon and took a little more time getting to me, but I am happy to say it was well worth the wait. Not only do I get a signed copy, but I know I am helping to support a fellow small business.  

When the package arrived, it was covered with fun stickers and included an extra one inside. Love the little extras! 

I am excited to dive into the colorful pages of this book! I have decided to save it as a treat. One page at a time. An art/nature break so to speak. I look forward to being inspired and taking a little time to enjoy another artists work during the hectic season ahead.

If you are enchanted by the night and in particularily moonflowers, this is a must have!  By the way, I also purchased "How to be a wildflower" too! I have a feeling it will be just as good. 


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  • Nora Brown
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